Friday, June 1, 2007

Hotel Rwanda

I hate sin. I hate evil. I hate this world and what it does to people. I hate our comfortable lives here in America where we sit back and do nothing. I hate my fear when I watch a movie like this. I hate that my flesh would rather fade into the crowd than do something. I hate the fact that in the movie these white reporters showed some graphic deadly scenes to a man from Rwanda and he was relieved that they got the footage because maybe people would actually do something to help out. The reporters response was, "They wil probably watch this and say to themselves, wow that is horrible and then go back to eating their dinner." What does all of this materialism do to us? We are fools. We are blind and wrapped up in its snare. We are caught in its trap. I want to make a difference in this world. How the hell do I do this? Where do I start? Anything is better than not doing anything. When can I just let go?

Watch this movie. You will walk away with a new perspective. My thoughts are with Haiti. How my heart burns for that country. However I find that America is in the same boat. My heart burns for both.


Rachel said...

hey friend. i still haven't seen this movie, but hopefully we can watch it soon. we just watched invisible children & the same thing happened to me. i can't get africa out of my heart & out of my mind. i want more than anything to adopt from there next. and possibly some day i want to live there. that broke my heart...that comment by the reporters. it's so true though...and so often it's true of me. and it makes me sick...God change my heart & the way i walk through life!!

dreamingBIGdreams said...

This is a great movie. I actually have read two books of people's lives during this genocide in Rwanda. GREAT books. Two of the best that I have ever read. I think they are on my blog if you are interested. The second book I read was actually Paul's story (the guy in Hotel Rwanda) so good!